Friday, June 18, 2010

Odd Nerdrum online

ODD NERDRUM'S AMAZING PAINTINGS. I'd like to look more in his books, too... But this entry is about Odd Nerdrum works online. He is both on Facebook with interesting photo albums (also of other painters) and he expresses in multiple media via several webpages. Discovered this today, so now I will visit him online, a good opportunity to enjoy his highly moving paintings. For example this new one.

You see we are blind, 2010 CREDIT PHOTO & PAINTING ODD NERDRUM

Interestingly, he is now using FB to interact and communicate.
For example, suggestions for a painting's title (See above: You see we are blind).
In March, he added this invitation on FB: Unfinished painting.Can you help me with the title?
First proposal is: "You se we are blind " - Thor Kristiansen
the picture: (260x188)

Here is more on Nerdrum's works:

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