Monday, November 3, 2008

DESIGN is discussed in New York Times by Janet Rae-Dupree (4 Oct 2008) noting that design is more than packaging and so forth. The article also introduces design thinking, an emergent hot topic in some design milieus, see

YET WHAT IS NEW IS NOT pointing to the wider meanings or discussions of design or design thinking per se. Rather, what appears new is the new crossover cultivating of design-oriented activities in "new" or "old" contexts. The article gives some insight into this by referring to the new educational approaches such as unfolding at Stanford's new socalled

D.SCHOOL. New York Times reports that the is not set up as a new trad full education for designers. Instead, it is providing joint design courses for interested students across the school's existing fields but also a grad opportunity. The rise of new design-oriented courses for students coming from a variety of backgrounds may thus affect several breeds of students getting entirely new experiences, which is interesting from a design management and innovation perspective.

D+B COURSE MoD OSLO. Providing new learning initiatives as a joint collaborative offering for crossdisciplinary groups of students is something we are exploring also at Norwegian School of Management (BI) , e.g., through an ongoing collaboration on Management and marketing of Design (MoD) with the Design Faculty of Oslo National Academy of the Arts (KHiO) offered from January 2007 onwards. The particular collaboration with design teachers and students at KHiO is involving its three design educations and at BI it involves two bachelor courses and two of its departments (Innovation and Economic Organization, and Intercultural Communication). It has been offered for at least around 100 design and business students each January since 2007. See

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